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Dr. Narayana Nagesh.

I am interested in the studies involving G-quadruplex DNA stabilization by smalll molecules and its interaction with metals, macromolecules, ligands. Besides this, I am also enthusiatic to undertstand the mechanism of modified, novel organic and inorganic complexes in improving anti-cancer / pro-apoptotic activity and reducing cancer cell proliferation both under in vitro and in vivo conditions, using latest assays and techniques.

The National Biology
   Chemical Biology group


Up coming Workshops/Symposium


The main focus of my laboratory is on G-quadruplex DNA interaction and stabilization using small synthetic molecules. This has implecations in cancer cure. My laboratory is also interested in understanding the role of modified synthetic molecules in arresting the cancer cell growth both under in vivo and in vitro conditions. These studies will give us an oppurtunity to understand the mechanism and the role of synthetic molecules archetecture in enhancing the potential of native molecule's anti-cancer property.







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